A line in the sand.... or dirt.....
So it has been a few weeks since we finished our design center appointments and I failed completely to tell you all how Day Two went. Let me see if I can remember it.... oh yeah.... it wasn't pretty.The big deal was food or lack of it. Eric and I got the time wrong on our appointment and at the last second realized we were going to be late if we didn't jump and run. Thus, we were toads..... hungry and mean toads. And we backhanded each other for 3 hours about how horrible each of us was.... for what? Tile. Really. Tile. See, I wanted a neutral tile set in a simple pattern (a braid, kind of like a simplified Versailles pattern). Eric wanted a more textured tile - no pattern. Here is Eric's choice.

We also chose our bathroom layout and we are VERY happy with it. The tile Eric chose for the floor (aka the WRONG tile) will be on the tub surround and in the shower. There will be a lovely accent "listelle"

The kid's baths are builders basic (save the cabinets which were upgraded throughout the house). Eventually we might remodel them but for the moment they have years and years of wear and tear to endure. Cultured marble vanities and plain tiles... nothing to write home about.
So that's it! Save for the line. Yep, we actually now have a chalk line delineating our house. It was so weird to see.... and it looked WAY too small (so Eric and I went out with our measuring tape and sure enough, it is the right size). Our neighbors had an addition built and they promised us that first it looks small, then huge, then small, then huge - and finally right. SO this means in the next few weeks we should get plumbing and concrete.... wow! We are REALLY building a house! Yikes!